About us:

My photo
I'm messy, disorganised and creative, I embrace my independence and do things my way. I take no shit from people I don't have to and I have no time for your little dramas and issues.

I have anxiety and depression which isn't a mystery nor is it something I am prepared to hide and not talk about.

I don't fit into your labels. I'm neither Polish or British, I'm not gay or straight, I'm not a woman or man, I'm not nice or a bitch. I am what you make of me. I drink a lot of coffee, wear sunglasses more on my head than on my face, and I love watching documentaries about the fucked up things in the world.

I love the word "fuck" and I think it's a beautiful word in English language which I use often.

My views on the whole life thing, are to just be happy and do everything so that everyone else is happy to because that makes me happy.
I ain't hard to figure out but there are a lot of things on my mind that I just need to throw out on paper so I've decided to publish my thoughts, for everyone's enjoyment and critique.

Friday 2 March 2012

Audience Feedback

I have gained some audience feedback by playing it to the potential audience and getting them to fill out an online form and also make some notes on overall opinion.

One of the students said: "Great variety of shots. The music is very effective and very tense. Good use of colour scheme - dark, enticing. Good acting. Awesome title sequence, flaws brilliantly done.

Another one wrote: "I like the use of close ups and the titles fit well. The soundtrack is really good and fits the genre. Storyline is really intense, leaves at a good ending.

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