About us:

My photo
I'm messy, disorganised and creative, I embrace my independence and do things my way. I take no shit from people I don't have to and I have no time for your little dramas and issues.

I have anxiety and depression which isn't a mystery nor is it something I am prepared to hide and not talk about.

I don't fit into your labels. I'm neither Polish or British, I'm not gay or straight, I'm not a woman or man, I'm not nice or a bitch. I am what you make of me. I drink a lot of coffee, wear sunglasses more on my head than on my face, and I love watching documentaries about the fucked up things in the world.

I love the word "fuck" and I think it's a beautiful word in English language which I use often.

My views on the whole life thing, are to just be happy and do everything so that everyone else is happy to because that makes me happy.
I ain't hard to figure out but there are a lot of things on my mind that I just need to throw out on paper so I've decided to publish my thoughts, for everyone's enjoyment and critique.

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Reservoir Dogs - Opening Scene Remake

We've done a remake of the opening sequence to Reservoir Dogs - a famous film by Quentin Tarantino. Adam took charge of the props, Kieran acted in it and came up with the locations and I filmed it and edited (Adam Contributed) Also Kieran and Adam put the cast together, using themselves as actors too.

Monday, 28 November 2011

Reservoir Dogs - Timeline -Titles.

I have produced a timeline using online software for our research and planning for the title remake. I have included what titles come in at what point in the opening sequence so that it would be easier for us to shoot on the day. This way we can follow the shots listed on the timeline and shoot it accurately.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Iconic Thriller Soundtracks and Sounds.

I have done a research, looking into Iconic thriller soundtracks and sounds. I have used website such as youtube, my own knowledge and notes and refrences for things such as names of directors - Wikipedia and IMDb. I have then uploaded the research onto the Windows Movie Maker and added the sounds in to make my work presentable in a creative style that would interest the potential reader.

All of this research on iconic soundtracks and sounds, done by Magdalena Lepkowska (Magg Lepkowska)

Iconic Thriller Directors

Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock was born in 1899 and his career began 22 years later in 1921 when he started making silent films and early talkies. His thriller film career blossomed with Rebecca (1940)

From then onwards he made many great films, lots of them classics still enjoyed by people today such as Strangers on a train, Dial M for Murder and Pyscho. Throughout his very long and extensive career he developed his own unique style which included making the audience laugh so as to create a false sense of security, adding to the tension. Blondes were a main part of his films usually turning out to be the femme fatale or being murdered.
Janet Leigh in Psycho

He liked to explore sexuality in his films and forced his audience to engage with voyeurism, watching someone involved in a sexual act or intimate behaviours such as undressing. Hitchcock was famous for being daring and experimental. An example of this is a scene in one of his silent movies, “The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog” in which Hitchcock conveys people hearing a man pacing above them by taking the floor away.

David Fincher
David Fincher is a renowned director born in 1962. His career began in 1984 and he is still directing films today.

He has made many notable films including Seven (1995) and Fight Club (1999).

Fincher is well known for producing dark, twisted films that give the audience a sense of claustrophobia. His direction style is extremely reminiscent of the ‘Film Noir Style’ with sexuality, crime and mystery all being predominant features.

Quentin Tarantino, born in 1963 started his career in 1988 and just 6 years later produced one of the most well known and one of his most distinctive films to date, Reservoir Dogs. 2 years on he bettered himself with the even more famous ‘Pulp Fiction’. Lots of his films are very gory and over the top and appear to be a caricature of gang culture and organised crime. Although his films can be very dark there is lots of humour and black comedy throughout his films. / One of his trademarks is the use of sound as instead of using a specially made film scores he opts to use popular music of the time to give the film a contemporary feel. He is also well know for not sticking to chronological story telling, two main examples being Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs. 

Tarantino is continuing to impress critics with his 2009 film ‘Inglorious Basterds’ which was received extremely well by critics and proved to be his highest grossing film to date.

Planning for shot for shot remake

Friday 18th November - filming 9:00-12:00

Friday, 4 November 2011

Film Production Companies.

Coffee Films is a British independent film production company that was created from The Naked Pony Theatre company and Mr Spambapstic Films in 1996. Steve Piper started organising his own film production called Coffee Films in 1998. The original intention of the company was to show that anyone could make films, no matter how much (or none) experience they have. Coffee Films produced many experimental film shorts, animated sequences and documentaries early in the years of their existence. The company was officially incorporated early on in 2003 as Coffee Arts and Media Ltd. They have made a film called “How to Disappear Completely” which became a huge success and was touring the world’s film festivals. In recent years, Coffee Films made a gripping psychological thriller called Lucid directed by French music video director called Nicolas Fogliarini.

Dreamworks – is an American film studio that began in 1994 to be an ambitious attempt by Stephen Spielberg (The Blues Brothers (1980), Jurassic Park (1993), Paul (2011)) and many others media geniuses. The Dreamworks logo is of a young boy sitting on a crescent moon while fishing – which was the idea of Steven Spielberg’s. The main logo shows the scene at night and Dreamworks Animation (branch of Dreamworks) shows it during the day. They have produced some best films of all such as: Gladiator (2000), Meet The Parents (2000) and the thriller “Catch me if you can” in 2002. Dreamworks won many awards for their achievements.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Production Company Logo -Brainstorm

^ These are the pictures that has inspired us to make our production company logo. We wanted to use a clown because it is attention-grabbing, but because it relates to horror we made it look more simple but still effective. 

Then we are going to edit it and add the production company name to it to make an actual logo. 
This is our title for our production company logo.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Research on Film Classifications by Magg.

I have done a research on Film Classifications, which you can also find on my blog (clik here)
I have used information from www.bbfc.co.uk website that I found very useful in terms of getting the guidelines and restrictions of each of the ratings. I have then produced a video voice-over including pictures of the symbols of each classification and providing the information about it in  the voice over.

Film Classifications Research - Movie.

I've done a research regarding film classifications according to BBFC - British Board of Film Classification. I visited their website: www.bbfc.co.uk and used the information on there to create my research. I then used a movie maker and sound recorder to present my research in a creative way. Please watch the video below to hear my general research on different film classifications and read the text below to see the uses of film classifications in thriller genres.

Usually thriller films are classified 12A upwards. It does depend on the content of the thriller to decide whether it would be 12A/12, 15 or 18 rated. For example, if the content is more gory, intense and heavily psychological, it would be rated 15. However, if it is more drama/action or fantasy themed thriller than it would be 12A classified - however it depends on other factors affecting the classification as well, such as use of language, imagery, etc. Another example is if the film was erotic/very gory/adult-focused then it would most likely to be classified as 18- appropriate.