Coffee Films is a British independent film production company that was created from The Naked Pony Theatre company and Mr Spambapstic Films in 1996. Steve Piper started organising his own film production called Coffee Films in 1998. The original intention of the company was to show that anyone could make films, no matter how much (or none) experience they have. Coffee Films produced many experimental film shorts, animated sequences and documentaries early in the years of their existence. The company was officially incorporated early on in 2003 as Coffee Arts and Media Ltd. They have made a film called “How to Disappear Completely” which became a huge success and was touring the world’s film festivals. In recent years, Coffee Films made a gripping psychological thriller called Lucid directed by French music video director called Nicolas Fogliarini.
Dreamworks – is an American film studio that began in 1994 to be an ambitious attempt by Stephen Spielberg (The Blues Brothers (1980), Jurassic Park (1993), Paul (2011)) and many others media geniuses. The Dreamworks logo is of a young boy sitting on a crescent moon while fishing – which was the idea of Steven Spielberg’s. The main logo shows the scene at night and Dreamworks Animation (branch of Dreamworks) shows it during the day. They have produced some best films of all such as: Gladiator (2000), Meet The Parents (2000) and the thriller “Catch me if you can” in 2002. Dreamworks won many awards for their achievements.
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