About us:

My photo
I'm messy, disorganised and creative, I embrace my independence and do things my way. I take no shit from people I don't have to and I have no time for your little dramas and issues.

I have anxiety and depression which isn't a mystery nor is it something I am prepared to hide and not talk about.

I don't fit into your labels. I'm neither Polish or British, I'm not gay or straight, I'm not a woman or man, I'm not nice or a bitch. I am what you make of me. I drink a lot of coffee, wear sunglasses more on my head than on my face, and I love watching documentaries about the fucked up things in the world.

I love the word "fuck" and I think it's a beautiful word in English language which I use often.

My views on the whole life thing, are to just be happy and do everything so that everyone else is happy to because that makes me happy.
I ain't hard to figure out but there are a lot of things on my mind that I just need to throw out on paper so I've decided to publish my thoughts, for everyone's enjoyment and critique.

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Research on Match on Action - Adam, + Shot-rev-shot -Magg.

Match On Action researched and written up by Adam.

A match on action shot occurs when an action begins in one shot and is continued or completed in the next. In a exterior shot Julia Roberts opens the front door to a house. In the next shot the camera(now indoors) photographs her entering the foyer and closing the door.

Another example is a shot of someone tossing a ball can be edited to show two different views, while maintaining temporal continuity by being sure that the second shot shows the arm of the subject in the same stage of its motion as it was left when cutting from the first shot.

Shot - Reverse/Shot researched and written up by Magg.

Shot /Reverse- Shot is used in films for the continuity effect. It is a film technique used usually in particular scenes, such as conversations where one character is looking at another and then that character is showing looking at the first one. Usually the other character that the first is looking at is off-screen and the first character is the main subject of the shot, and vice versa. This technique is usually used for the audience to perceive the continuos action that develops logically and chronologically. Over-the-shoulder shots are very often used in shot/reverse-shot editing as -shown above in the video I have found on Youtube. ^

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