written up by Magg
"A young, super-intelligent female police-detective, Emily Jarvis, interrogates a genius psychiatrist, James Atkinson, who is suspected of killing his own wife. During many interrogations and interviews, James Atkinson is trying to trick the police detective's mind with clever questions and statements that make no sense at first but then suddenly it all falls into place, when Emily Jarvis does a particular research on the famous, genius psychiatrist. It turns out James Atkinson is not who he said he was. It appeared from the early documentation that James Atkinson used to be a completely another person before he started his research on mentally diseased people. Emily Jarvis tries to find out the truth but she finds herself being dragged into a dark past of the suspect, his wife, his -what it appears to be amnesia -and other aspects that make Emily Jarvis question her own existance and identity and state of mind.
So who is James Atkinson and who was the man before him? Why there appear to be two people of the same looks but different names? Is it amnesia that affected James Atkinson, or was it just denial? Will Emily Jarvis find out the truth? Or will just lose her mind just like James Atkinson?"
About us:
- Mag Lepkowska
- I'm messy, disorganised and creative, I embrace my independence and do things my way. I take no shit from people I don't have to and I have no time for your little dramas and issues.
I have anxiety and depression which isn't a mystery nor is it something I am prepared to hide and not talk about.
I don't fit into your labels. I'm neither Polish or British, I'm not gay or straight, I'm not a woman or man, I'm not nice or a bitch. I am what you make of me. I drink a lot of coffee, wear sunglasses more on my head than on my face, and I love watching documentaries about the fucked up things in the world.
I love the word "fuck" and I think it's a beautiful word in English language which I use often.
My views on the whole life thing, are to just be happy and do everything so that everyone else is happy to because that makes me happy.
I ain't hard to figure out but there are a lot of things on my mind that I just need to throw out on paper so I've decided to publish my thoughts, for everyone's enjoyment and critique.
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